Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dr. Mohler on Homosexuality

Biographical Info:

Dr. Albert Mohler Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., serves as the ninth president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary-the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world.

Time.com called him the "reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S". He is a widely sought columnist and commentator for such media outlets as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc...

He is a Professor of Christian Theology at Southern Seminary and his writings have been published in the United States and Europe. Including, "Hell Under Fire: Modern Scholarship Reinvents Eternal Punishment," "Here We Stand: A Call From Confessing Evangelicals" and "The Coming Evangelical Crisis." He served as General Editor of "The Gods of the Age or the God of the Ages: Essays by Carl F. H. Henry"

In an article about homosexuality Albert Mohler uses numerous persuasive techniques why people who follow the Word of God must take a "compassionate truth" stand against homosexuality.

Persuasive Techniques:

Ideological Campaign: Statement of Faith and Belief of Southern Baptist
Credibility: Bible Referenced
Varied Vocabulary: Uses impressive vocabulary and phrasing that impresses the reader Example- "Wow! That was well put."
Repetition: Example- "I have a dream....I have a dream...."
Expert Testimony/Credibility: Quotes another credible "expert" source on this issue
Fear Appeal: Example- "If you do not believe this you will be like all the others and you already know you don't want to be them"
Guilt Appeal: Example- "Do it or it's on your shoulders"
Ethos: Credible in Christian circle "must know what he's talking about"

"The Bible is the Word of God in written form, inerrant and infallible, inspired by the Holy Spirit and 'profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness' [2 Timothy 3:16]. This is the critical watershed: Those churches which reject the authority of Scripture will eventually succumb to cultural pressure and accommodate their understanding of homosexuality to the spirit of the age. Those churches that affirm, confess, and acknowledge the full authority of the Bible have no choice in this matter--we must speak a word of compassionate truth. And that compassionate truth is this: Homosexual acts are expressly and unconditionally forbidden by God through His Word, and such acts are an abomination to the Lord by His own declaration." -http://www.truthontheline.org/article_read.php?cid=7

"Professor Elizabeth Achtemeier of Richmond's Union Theological Seminary..." -http://www.truthontheline.org/article_read.php?cid=7

In the video, Mohler shows his view of homosexuality and through guilt appeal affects those he debates with. When looking at the nonverbals of those against him, they respond with faces as though they do not know what to say. Developing his reasoning he references the Bible in developing his reasoning, a
credible source in the eyes of Christian viewers. It is important to keep in mind not only the verbal messages being achieved but the nonverbals as well. Mohler appeals to the audience through attractiveness by looking clean, sharp and younger than the other debaters. Mohler uses pitch, pauses, emphasis through dynamics, while presenting himself in a forward lean position, engaging the audience with dominant gaze Mohler gains status appeal. Further as said before, the eye gaze of both the Rev. Jo Hudson (female pastor) and the older pastor at the end of the clip show nervousness, discouragement, almost as if proven wrong. Mohler at the end, gives a smirk and a short vocalic filler, "mm". Through these Mohler has presented himself well, and thus his verbals are congruent with his nonverbals, appealing to the audience.

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